Adrianna Katarzyna Olkowska

Doctor of humanities in the field of linguistics, graduate of Romance philology and postgraduate studies in Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language at the University of Gdańsk, graduate of Postgraduate Pedagogical Studies of the Ateneum University in Gdańsk, teacher of French and Polish, and French translator. Examiner during certified examinations in Polish as a foreign language and the French Language Olympiad. She cooperates with the University of Gdańsk, the WSB University in Gdańsk and several language schools in the Tri-City. Co-creator of Polish as a foreign language teaching programmes for the start-up Spoko Polish. Speaks 5 languages. Her research interests include glottodidactics, persuasion and linguistic manipulation. In her free time, she cooperates with a descendant of the Poniatowski family – Count Guillaume de Louvencourt and explores Turkish culture. She divides her life between two cities: Gdańsk and Paris.