Gdańsk has always attracted filmmakers. In the scenery of the Old Town and on the seaside beaches, interesting images were created that have forever entered the canon of Polish cinematography.

The history of Gdańsk, which is a unique city on the map of Poland due to its colorful and complicated past, has often become the setting for film stories. Our city will forever be associated with Polish-German relations, with the beginning of World War II or the rise of Solidarity and the change of the political system in Poland.

Films with Gdańsk in the background are often very intimate, personal images. The beautiful, somewhat dreamlike scenery of the streets of Gdańsk, the endless beaches and the mysteriously roaring sea accompanied the fate of many film characters – those who were looking for love, who loved and who suffered after the loss of love.

Tricity is also an important center of Polish film life. Gdynia hosts the Polish Feature Film Festival every year – the most important event of this type in Poland. Gdynia is also the Gdynia Film School, whose walls have left many internationally recognized young artists.

We encourage you to listen to podcasts about film Gdańsk:

This program is organized by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and financed by the European Social Fund under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program (non-competition project entitled “Supporting the institutional capacity of Polish universities through the creation and implementation of international study programs”, Priority Axis III “Higher education for the economy and development”, Measure 3.3. “Internationalization of Polish higher education”).