On June 29 2023 we said goodbye to Polish philology students from China. After completing the two-year stage of undergraduate studies, our guests from Harbin left the walls of the University of Gdańsk. Everyone, both students and lecturers, had already become very close to each other, which is why the end of such a long joint adventure was an event that aroused many emotions.

The most important part of the meeting was the ceremonial presentation of diplomas of graduation from the University of Gdańsk to the students. After that, the students presented an artistic program prepared especially for this occasion. There were speeches, songs in Chinese and Polish, poems by Wisława Szymborska and a short film presenting the students’ stay in Poland.

After the ceremony, our students, course participants, teachers and lecturers took part in a picnic at the end of the academic year. Everyone deserved a moment of rest after these few busy months.



