Get ready for your certification exam!

We will soon start a preparation course for the certificate exam, which will take place on June 22-23, 2024 (levels B1 and B2).

Classes will be held on: May 25 – June 16, on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Faculty of Philology (Wydział Filologiczny, Wita Stwosza St 55 in Gdańsk).

Classes will be conducted by professionals, teachers of Polish as a foreign language, examiners with many years of experience, authors of exam tasks. They will tell you what to repeat, what to pay attention to in order to pass the exam in the best possible way. The preparatory course is a repetition of grammar and vocabulary, exercises in writing, speaking and reading. In class, you will learn the structure of the exam papers and the different types of tasks.

More information and a link to the registration form for classes:…/preparatory-courses-for-the…/