Participants of the Summer School read the famous and important for the identity of inhabitants of Gdańsk, novel “Weiser Dawidek” by Paweł Huelle. They also tried to interprete it from contemporary point of view – the war in Ukraine and the context of Ukrainian refugees in Poland. Who is the Other for Polish people today? At the end of the workshop, traveling through Oliwa and Wrzeszcz, the participants searched for the grave of Horst Meller and the former Weiser’s viaduct.

This program is organized by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and financed by the European Social Fund under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program (non-competition project entitled “Supporting the institutional capacity of Polish universities through the creation and implementation of international study programs”, Priority Axis III “Higher education for the economy and development”, Measure 3.3. “Internationalization of Polish higher education”).